University of Tennessee Frat Bro Brings Porn Star Cherry Morgan To Parents' Weekend Formal Event

Bringing a porn star/fetish model to a formal Parents’ Weekend event…

…we use the word a lot, but I honestly don’t know any other way to describe it: savage. Savage move.

Now I’m not familiar with Morgan’s work, so give me a second here, it’s research time.

*minimizes window*

**opens up New Incognito Window**

***Googles Cherry Morgan, checks top results of PornHub and xVideos***

****approximately 24 minutes later****

Oh yeah I recognize some of her work. Not bad stuff. Good for Patrick, hope he got to emulate some of these scenes later on in the night.

TFM got some of the background details:

Sucks his parents couldn’t make it. Mom might have been horrified, but you know Dad would put on his best disapproving face then casually slip a head nod and a fist bump as soon as his wife looked away.

h/t TFM

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